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All You Need To Know About Bleeding Gums

All You Need To Know About Bleeding Gums

All you need to know about bleeding gums We often do not pay much thought to bleeding gums and shrug it off because they invariably happen when we brush or floss our teeth. We consider it as normal but it should not be ignored. Gum bleeding is a fairly common problem.
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Understanding The Stages A Congestive Heart Failure

Understanding The Stages A Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a serious progressive condition affecting the pumping power of the muscles in the heart. It is generally called heart failure, but CHF specifically means the stage when fluid builds up all around the human heart resulting in inefficient pumping. There are a total of four heart chambers.
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Deep Vein Thrombosis – Diagnosis And Treatment

Deep Vein Thrombosis – Diagnosis And Treatment

Deep Vein Thrombosis – Diagnosis and treatment Deep Vein Thrombosis is a condition where a blood clot occurs in one of the deeper veins in the body; usually in the legs. Deep vein thrombosis leads to symptoms such as swelling, cramps, and leg pain. In a few rare cases, there are no symptoms of deep vein thrombosis.
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The Causes And Symptoms Of Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors

The Causes And Symptoms Of Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors

The causes and symptoms of carcinoid neuroendocrine tumors The neuroendocrine system can be described as a network of glands producing hormones that are carried into the bloodstream. There are different roles that these hormones play in the human body. The carcinoid neuroendocrine tumor is a very rare tumor that shows up in the cells of the neuroendocrine system.
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An Overview Of Cla Safflower Oil

An Overview Of Cla Safflower Oil

An overview of CLA safflower oil CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid. It is high in good fats, i.e., monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. According to the National Institutes of Health, typically, CLA is found in foods like beef and dairy. However, it can also be found in small quantities in vegetable oils.
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Top 10 Health Benefits Of Safflower Oil

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Safflower Oil

Top 10 health benefits of safflower oil Safflower oil is an oil that is extracted from the seeds of the safflower. CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid. CLA is a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid. The CLA safflower oil has a number of health benefits; hence, it is being used as medicine by many people.
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An Overview Of Colon Polyps

An Overview Of Colon Polyps

An overview of colon polyps Colon polyps are small clumps of cells formed on the lining of the colon. The majority of these polyps tend to be harmless, but with time, there are certain polyps that can easily grow into colon cancer. This is a serious condition, especially when found in the later stages.
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The Types Of Colon Polyps And Their Prevention

The Types Of Colon Polyps And Their Prevention

The types of colon polyps and their prevention Growths that occur on the inner lining of the colon (large intestine) and usually protrude into the colon are known as colon polyps. They form when the genetic material within the cells that line the colon changes and becomes abnormal. Under normal circumstances, the immature cells that line the colon multiply, mature, and then die in a timely fashion.
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Home Remedies To Relieve Pain And Discomfort Due To Hemorrhoids

Home remedies to relieve pain and discomfort due to hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are also known as “piles” as they are swollen or inflamed veins in and around the anus region of the body that cause severe pain, along with distress and bleeding. The swelling is caused due to increased pressure around the area or due to an injury during a bowel movement. It is a very common condition that may occur in the middle ages for both men and women. However, there are numerous options available to treat it. Many people can get relief from hemorrhoids by following major lifestyle changes and precautions; in severe cases, surgical intervention may be required. Who is at risk of hemorrhoids? People in their 50s are generally likely to get hemorrhoids; otherwise, people who can be at risk are as follows: Pregnant women Obese people Constipation Those sitting for long periods on the toilet seat Those who have low fiber intake in their regular diet Those with an injury caused by a bowel movement What are the symptoms? The various symptoms of hemorrhoids are these: Painless bleeding during bowel movements Severe itching around the anus Discomfort and unbearable pain while sitting Swelling or inflammation around the anal region How is hemorrhoids diagnosed? Hemorrhoids are generally diagnosed by looking at it visually. The other ways to test and detect hemorrhoids include those listed here: Digital rectal examination : In this test, the doctor will first check the anus canal and rectum visually and then decide to go for the digital rectal examination. The doctor will use their finger with gloves and insert it in the rectum to feel any abnormalities or growths for identification of hemorrhoids. Sigmoidoscopy : It is a test done by the doctor when the internal hemorrhoids are difficult to diagnose as they are often soft to be felt during the rectal exam. Sigmoidoscopy is done using a small camera around the anal canal area or the lower part of the rectum. Colonoscopy : This is done by the doctor to detect hemorrhoids in cases when the patient is detected with some other digestive disorders, when there is a risk of colorectal cancer, or when the patient has been through colonoscopy recently. In this test, the patient is given medicines before the test to feel drowsy and relaxed. The doctor inserts the camera with a tube into the lower end of the rectum right up to the other end to be able to see the internal parts in the camera for a specific examination. What are some prevention measures for hemorrhoids? There are various ways to avoid getting hemorrhoids, which include these: Sufficient amount of water intake Regular exercise Fiber included in the diet Active life Avoiding constipation Eating moderate food that is easy to digest What are the home remedies to treat hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoid cures and treatment can also be done using popular home remedies, which are as mentioned: Eating fiber-rich food : The regular diet should include fruits, vegetables, grains, and lots of liquids. This will help avoid acidity and will help in smooth digestion. This will also help avoid any injury to the blood vessels in the rectum area. Aloe vera : This is an incredible natural product that is beneficial to mankind in numerous ways, and it is also helpful in treating hemorrhoids. Application of aloe vera will help in reducing the irritation and itching in the rectum area. Sitz bath : This treatment is advised by the doctor to help the patient with hemorrhoids. It involves sitting in warm water for 15-20 minutes for 3-4 times a day to get relief from pain. Cleanliness : The physical practitioner will also give directives to keep the area clean and dry to avoid any further infections. Avoid perfumed or chemical-based products and keep the area dry as much as possible. Soothing wipes : Soft wet wipes can be used to clean and soothe the area from swelling. Stool softeners : In the form of liquids or tablets, these can be advised by the doctor to avoid constipation and help in easy and quick bowel movements, which will help in getting relief from pain. Cold compress : Ice packs or cold compresses to the rectum or anal area will help in relieving swelling and inflammation of the blood vessels. Witch hazel : This can be applied directly to the affected area to help reduce pain and itching.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country

The best treatment options for external hemorrhoids in the country Hemorrhoids is another name for piles. It is a group of swollen tissues in the channel area of the anus. It consists of blood vessels, tissues, and fibers that are mostly elastic in nature. Mostly due to our harried lifestyle and junk food habits, nowadays many people suffer from hemorrhoids, but the challenge is that the symptoms are not prominent and thus it goes untreated till the time it reaches an advanced level. Most of the citizens of the country are diagnosed with hemorrhoids or piles by the time they touch the age of 50. A doctor will be able to detect external hemorrhoid very conveniently and some of the probable hemorrhoid cures and treatments that they might advise will depend on the severity of the disease. What are some of the symptoms associated with hemorrhoids? Discomfort in and around the anus Blood in stool Pain during passing stool and the bowels seem full even after passing stool It is important to treat hemorrhoids without delay, as prolonged suffering from piles can lead to more complicated health problems. What are some lifestyle changes that can be adopted to help with hemorrhoids? The first step that required to take will be to remodel one’s lifestyle. At whatever stage piles might be, leading a controlled and balanced diet will be the most important requirement. Some important things to consider are these: Eating fibrous food Exercising regularly Checking one’s weight Being hygienic Taking warm baths to get relief from pain What are some of the common hemorrhoid medications? If the pain is not severe and the hemorrhoids are in the early stage, the doctor will prescribe medicines like lotions, emulsions, or pads. These relieve the irritation and pain for the time being. However, these are not to be used for a prolonged span of time. There are many over-the-counter medications available that can be bought online also. If the pain doesn’t subside within 7 days, it is imperative to visit a doctor. What are the various surgical options available to treat hemorrhoids? For a permanent solution, surgery is the option; however, the criticality and the techniques vary depending on the severity of a case. Some of the commonly recommended surgical options are as listed: Rubberbanding : In the process of ligation, the doctor places one or two small elastic bands surrounding the base of hemorrhoid. This cuts of the circulation of blood supply. Within 7 days, hemorrhoid weakens and shells off. Though this has proved effective for most people, some have found it to be painful. Symptoms like bleeding may start showing within two to four days of the process, and the doctor must be consulted without any delay in such a scenario. Sclerotherapy : In this procedure, the doctor will inject a medical solution, which in turn causes hemorrhoids to shrink in size. As it’s not painful, it can be used as an alternative to rubberbanding, but the latter is more effective. Laser or ultraviolet coagulation : In this procedure, infrared is used to kill the hemorrhoids. During the process, the hemorrhoid tissues get burned as they are exposed to the infrared light or heat. This might cause slight bleeding but is an effective way to shrink hemorrhoids. Removal of hemorrhoid : This is the most effective and complicated process of hemorrhoid cures and treatment. In this procedure, the doctor removes hemorrhoid from the body and thus it is the fastest permanent solution. However, it requires applying of anesthesia, either local or spinal, along with other sedation, and causes pain post surgery. Since a doctor will need to remove excess blood vessels from the body, sedation is compulsory. Regarding the post-surgery symptoms, like infection, burning sensation, or discomfort in movements, they last for a few days and can be treated with mild medications. This surgical procedure is known as hemorrhoidectomy. Stapling the hemorrhoids : In this surgical process, known as the stapled hemorrhoidectomy or stapled hemorrhoidopexy, the doctor will stop the flow of blood to the hemorrhoid tissue. Though this process is less painful and less complicated as compared to hemorrhoidectomy, it is not a fool-proof solution. Chances of recurrence remain, as the excess tissues are not completely removed from the body. Post-surgery problems like bleeding and urinary tract infection have been observed in this case also. While this article speaks about the general hemorrhoid cures and treatments, a doctor will be the best to judge which procedure suits a patient the best.
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An Overview Of Chronic Hives

An overview of chronic hives Hives, also called urticaria, are an outbreak of pale and swollen plaques or red bumps on the skin. These are also called wheals on the skin and they tend to appear all of a sudden. Hives are either caused because of the body’s reaction to specific allergens or other unknown reasons. Generally, they cause itching and might also sting and burn. Hives can appear almost anywhere on the human body like the throat, lips, face, ears, and tongue. These red bumps on the skin vary in their size. They can be as small as an eraser and as large as a plate. They can even join together for forming large patches called plaques. Urticaria can last for several hours and even for days before fading. These itchy welts appear and fade repeatedly with the skin reaction running its course. This health condition becomes chronic hives when these plaques or bumps on the skin appear for over six weeks and keep re-occurring over months and even years. Most of the time the cause of this chronic condition is not very clear. However, the condition can be quite uncomfortable and can even interfere with regular activities and sleep. Anti-itch medicines and antihistamines tend to be good relievers for this condition. Below is some information about the symptoms of hives, its causes, and more. What are the symptoms of chronic urticaria? Viewing pictures of hives rash can help in knowing if you are suffering from hives. The signs and symptoms of chronic urticaria can last anywhere from a few minutes to several months and even years. While they generally resemble big bites, these welts can be very different in a number of ways. Some of the symptoms of chronic urticaria are: Welts varying in size and changing shape. These appear and fade on a repeated basis with the reaction running its course. Patches of skin-colored or red welts or wheals that appear almost anywhere on the human body. Painful inflammation or swelling of the eyelids, lips, and the interior of the throat. This is called angioedema. Severe itching A tendency of the symptoms and the signs flaring with triggers like exercise, stress, and heat. Pressing the center of the red bump makes it turn white, this is called blanching. The symptoms tend to persist for several months and to re-occur unpredictably and frequently, sometimes for months and even years. What are the causes of urticaria? The cause of chronic urticaria is difficult to determine and, in most cases, it might be impossible. However, there are cases where the main cause might be hepatitis, cancer, infection, or thyroid disease. The red bumps appear because of the condition and arise when specific cells release histamine and various other chemicals into the bloodstream of the sufferer. The pressure exerted on the skin by wearing a tight waistband or by anything else can also be the cause of urticaria. Foods like eggs, nuts, shellfish, and peanuts might trigger this condition. Pain medicines like ibuprofen, penicillin, and antibiotics can cause chronic urticaria. Bacterial infections like strep throat and urinary tract infections can cause chronic hives. Additionally, latex; pollen; pet dander; physical stimuli like cold, pressure, sun exposure, and heat; insect stings and bites; blood transfusions; certain plants like poison ivy and poison oak and viral infections like infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, and the common cold can lead to hives. How to manage chronic urticaria? Avoiding known triggers is the best way to manage and treat chronic hives. Seeing an allergy specialist who can look for the triggers and suggest the right medicines can also help in preventing the condition. Cool compresses for relieving the itching can help in managing this condition. What are the medical treatments for urticaria? Medical treatments for hives include: Use of antihistamines for reducing itchiness Use of steroid tablets like prednisone Using calamine lotion Making use of diphenhydramine like Benadryl Visiting the dermatologist for persistent or severe urticaria might be recommended
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Everything You Need To Know About Hives

Everything you need to know about hives If you have never experienced hives in your life, you might be shocked and alarmed to find your neckline and your face breaking out in flesh-colored or red welts. Even your kids might come home from school with an itchy rash all over their body. What do you do next? The things that most people do is that either they search online, call a friend, or consult a doctor in order to find out how to get rid of the condition fast. This health condition is also called urticaria and it mainly involves itchy red bumps appearing on the skin. These bumps range from being several inches to a few millimeters in diameter. Multiple bumps can appear to get connected and form large plaques on the skin. Majority of these welts go away in a day’s time with proper home treatment. However, there are some that can last for more than two days. These require immediate medical attention and a doctor’s consultation. Below is some information about hives to help you understand this health condition better. What are the different types of hives? Hives or urticaria falls into two main categories. The categories depend on the amount of time they have been present. Acute urticaria (ordinary hives) that resolve after six to eight weeks. Chronic urticaria continues longer than six to eight weeks. As hives are so common and ordinary hives, resolve spontaneously, generally, doctors do not spend too much time or expense in evaluating the cause of hives that last for less than eight weeks. Are itchy red bumps on the skin a cause for concern? Hives pictures depict that urticaria is nothing but a rash on the body. Despite the fact that these bumps are generally associated with certain allergic reactions, they can even be triggered by: Medicines Stress Underlying conditions like cancer and thyroid Insect stings and bites Cold temperatures Sunlight Infections Identifying the triggers is quite important. If you are able to determine the triggers for your rash, you will be able to avoid contact with the triggers and thus prevent more of these bumps from forming on your skin. When to seek immediate medical attention? These welts fade within a time span of 24 hours and do not necessarily require any kind of treatment. Nevertheless, seeking immediate medical attention is important if you are experiencing any of the following conditions: Difficulty breathing Dizziness Swelling in the face and throat These might be the symptoms of a chronic allergic reaction and require emergency medical care. What are the home remedies for treating urticaria? There are many people who use different home remedies for treating hives. Some of the most effective home remedies for treating hives include: Adding oatmeal to your bath. Soaking in an oatmeal bath helps in soothing the skin. Taking bath in an anti-itch solution like baking soda baths or oatmeal baths can reduce skin irritation. You can even add witch hazel to your bath. Cold compresses are also very effective in treating urticaria. The sufferer can apply a damp and cool cloth on the area that has been affected. This will offer relief from itching and even reduce swelling. Avoiding products that can cause skin irritation can also help in getting rid of hives. There are certain soaps that can dry out the skin and result in itching. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the sufferer uses a soap that is available for sensitive skin. Stay away from products that contain chemicals that can irritate your skin. Lotions and moisturizers that tend to irritate your skin should also be avoided. What are the natural remedies for urticaria? If the home remedies for the condition do not provide relief, then try different natural remedies given below: Prepare a mixture of witch hazel by using an astringent for maximizing the tannins found in this herb. The tannins in this herb are effective in relieving irritation. Aloe vera can also be used for healing skin irritation and inflammation.
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